In Honour Of 420, Here’s How To Get Really Fucking Stoned

Today’s topic is how to get super fucking high from cannabis.


Well, because it’s almost 420… and 420 is about getting really high as a way of celebrating cannabis. Capiche?

First, though, let me clarify. I don’t think using cannabis to get ridiculously high is its best use. Cannabis is a therapeutic tool, first and foremost. It can also cause harm when misused. In fact, I wrote a book about minimising the risks of consuming cannabis. 

However, there is a time and place to get proper munted. The time is 4.20pm on April 20th. And the place is wherever the hell you want! (but probably in your home because of the ol’ social distancing malarky.)

So with that in mind, here’re 5 ways to get higher-than-high this 420. Please use these methods responsibly, or don’t… it’s your choice, ya filthy stoner. 

Eat edibles

If you’re looking to get seriously fucked up on weed, then get in the kitchen because strong edibles are your ticket to Mashville, Tennessee. 

Example: Not long ago, my girlfriend – all 5’3 of her – decided to eat three times as much AVB space cake I told her to. Sure enough, two hours later and her heart was racing, she was anxiously fidgeting, and she’d be soon running to the toilet to throw up. 

Even after an evening of me consoling her, assuring her she wasn’t dying, or already dead, or being possessed by demons, she was still not herself the following morning. She had learned. Edibles are no joke. 

The reason why edibles get you so mongoloid is because when you eat THC, it’s broken down into various metabolites. One of those metabolites is called 11-Hydroxy-THC. And 11-Hydroxy-THC is way more potent than THC, which is why the effects are so much more profound than when THC is inhaled. 


After edibles, the next method to getting higher than Everest is to dab. No, not the dance. To dab is to smoke (well, technically vaporise) cannabis extracts on a bong-type device called a dab-rig. 

By dabbing cannabis extracts – whether that be wax, budder, crumble or shatter – you’re inhaling a concentrated amount of THC (along with terps, minor cannabinoids and other good stuff). Some extracts contain as much as 99% THC.

Smoke a donut joint

Joints are great, but if you wanna get wild, throw a sausage-shaped bit of cannabis concentrate in there, too. 


By rolling your wax into a snake and rolling your joints around it, you’ll create what’s known as a donut joint. Not only do they ‘F’ you up, they also look damn cool. Don’t believe me? Check out my man Drew’s video all about donut joints. 

Hit the bong

Ah bongs. A staple of the experienced stoner. And still a hard-hitting method for getting super-baked. 

If you’re used to joints or a vaporiser, a bong hit or two will leave you on your arse. Build yourself a bucket bong if you want to take things to the next level. 


There was a study recently that found when people vaped cannabis as opposed to smoking it, they had a much higher THC concentration in their blood. 

In fact, vaping weed “increased the rate of short-term anxiety, paranoia, memory loss and distraction” compared to the same dose smoked. 

So get yourself a dry herb vape – a Volcano for guaranteed psychosis – and enjoy 420 with your head in the clouds. 

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