When health care is motivated by monetary profit rather than people’s welfare, pharmaceutical companies get rich while the majority of the population get sick.
However, when the lay people are shown the truth about how the system works and who it really prioritises, they become empowered to take personal responsibility for whatever it was that they entrusted to the system.
Two good examples of corrupt systems that are currently being exposed more than ever are the financial system and the healthcare system.
In the financial system, Bitcoin offers a decentralised solution to a corrupt system.
When it comes to health care, growing your own drugs, such as cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, represents a way of decentralising medicine.
Harm reduction
It’s been shown in numerous studies that the availability of cannabis results in people using less pharmaceuticals. In fact, there’s reason to believe that cannabis can go some way to replacing a large percentage of many commonly prescribed drugs, as well as reducing the use and subsequent harms of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances.

Psilocybin, on the other hand, is being uncovered as a highly effective tool in the treatment of various mental health issues. By allowing patients to introspect and change thinking patterns, psilocybin and psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy holds much promise for treating depression, PTSD, addiction and more. without the need for side-effect heavy pharmaceutical pills.
Additionally, learning about exercise, nutrition and health from uncorrupted sources also helps patients take more control over their health. After all, being in nature, eating real food and doing resistance training is available to everyone.
Financial corruption
In case you weren’t aware, the financial system is rigged in favour of bankers, billionaires and those with generational wealth and power.
We saw a perfect example of this recently with the trading of Gamestop shares – people learning about a rigged system took advantage of their knowledge by buying a stock that a couple of hedge funds had bet on failing, thus pushing up its value and funneling millions from the risk-taking hedge funds.
Then the billionaires complained and platforms were put under pressure to stop the trading, even though it’s not against the law. It was the most recent clear sign that the centralised financial system favours the select few who have historically understood how it works.
Now that people are learning about how unfair the system is (largely thanks to the internet making financial knowledge and instant communication accessible), the common man and woman are in a position to take advantage of this previously hidden knowledge.
Decentralised solution: Bitcoin

Bitcoin offers a decentralised solution to the current system, where the printing of money is in the hands of a small group of unelected people who run the Federal Reserve and other central banks.
Clearly, being able to print money at will – money that is not tied to any real value – will lead to money losing value over time, known as inflation.
Bitcoin solves this thanks to the open source blockchain technology it’s based on, which allows for a transparent ledger that records all transactions. It therefore has no central managers and no middle man is needed to make transfers.
Other characteristics that make Bitcoin a superior currency to un-backed currencies (fiat currencies) is its durability, portability, divisibility, uniformity/fungibility, cognizability, limited supply/scarcity, and non-counterfeitability.
Read more: What Is Bitcoin And Should You Buy It? The Ultimate Guide To Buying Bitcoin In The UK
Big pharma corruption
In case you weren’t aware, the pharmaceutical industry, the NHS and government health departments have all been corrupted by money.
As previously alluded to, this is because the system is driven by producing profits for shareholders rather than health for patients. Their business model is providing subscription-based medicines that continuously treat symptoms rather than underlying causes.
Patients getting healthier and discontinuing their medication is bad for business.
This has led to a culture of ‘more medicine is better’, where financial incentives within the system encourage drug prescriptions and medical procedures over well-proven lifestyle changes that are accessible to everyone.
It’s widely known that multinational pharmaceutical companies spend more money on marketing their drugs than they spend researching and developing them in the first place.
Perhaps this is why hundreds of thousands of people die per year purely from having adverse reactions to the drugs that they have been prescribed by their doctor.
Add to that deaths from hospital errors (440,000 per year), deaths from psychiatric drugs (including suicides) at 500,000 per year, and opioid deaths at 111,000 per year and you may want to reconsider launching yourself into what is, without doubt, a very dangerous healthcare system.
You may be hoping that because the NHS is government-funded (and by that I mean public-funded via taxation) it might not be corrupt. Unfortunately, however, it would be naive to think people in both the NHS and the government are not influenced by the massive wealth of large pharmaceutical companies.
Decentralised solution: Grow your own cannabis and magic mushrooms

Growing your own drugs, like cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms – both of which are highly effective and versatile medicines in their own right, as well as being very easy to grow at home – is a powerful way to take back power over your own medicine and health.
Let me explain. It has been found that access to cannabis results in reduced pharmaceutical use and opioid deaths. That means that when people have the option, they often replace their pills with cannabis.
In fact, cannabis could replace a huge chunk of commonly prescribed medication including sleeping pills, antidepressants, alcohol and painkillers – all of which have severe side effects. Cannabis-based medications can also help treat arthritis, skin conditions and gum disease.
So, by growing your own at home, you could have consistent access to a very effective and versatile medicine, thus reducing your reliance on your pharmacist and taking back some control over your health.
Read more: Budget Grow Box: How To Grow Weed In A Bin For Under £150
Similarly, psilocybin is a powerful tool for protecting your mental health. Research on the substance is in its infancy but we are learning more each day about its therapeutic potential.
Whether used in small ‘micro’ doses or larger ones combined with therapy, psilocybin is showing promise in treating depression, addiction, PTSD, neurodegenerative diseases and anxiety.
Imagine if, rather than being prescribed literal mind-numbing antidepressants, people could simply microdose some home-grown psilocybin-containing mushrooms every couple of days.
Combine that with some unbiased education on effective exercise and nutrition, as well as some psychotherapy if needed, and the reliance on pharmaceutical interventions would shoot right down.

But that’s the problem. Pharmaceutical companies don’t want use of their medicines to shoot down because that would mean bonuses and paychecks do the same.
Which is why the biggest obstacle to decentralising medicine and transferring power to the patient is the current centralised system itself – the doctors and experts who believe you need to buy endless pills to be healthy, the government advisors who are bribed to push fake food and useless drugs, and the multinational pharmaceutical companies with massive funds dedicated to marketing their medicine-like products and influencing governments and health systems around the world.
In summary, if you want to take part in a decentralised and incorruptible financial system, buy some Bitcoin. Similarly, if you want to help decentralise medicine, grow your own cannabis and psilocybin in order to reduce your dependency on pharmaceutical drugs, doctors and governments.
Hi Jack, i have always love forging and making our own ointments and medicines. My daughter has Arthritis and Fibromyalgia and the NHS has put her own Morphine patches and she is in a lot of pain. We want to come off the patches and CBD seems the answer! I want to make a Tincture out of CBD flowers and other product.