Now you’ve learned how to decarb your weed, you’re probably keen to experiment with
The easiest way to do this is by incorporating cannabis-infused butter (commonly referred to as cannabutter) into your recipes. This guide will walk you through the process of making your very own cannabutter.
Cannabutter is a delicious and versatile carrier for both THC and CBD. It can easily be incorporated into countless recipes from brownies to pasta.
However, if you have an allergy to dairy, you can use just about any fatty oil e.g. coconut or olive oil. Just bear in mind that all fatty oils and butter burn easily – so be sure to keep a close eye on your cannabutter as it cooks.
- 1 cup of butter
- 7-10 grams of decarboxylated weed (this included hemp/CBD flower)
Equipment needed
- Saucepan
- Funnel
- Cheesecloth
- Jam jar or container for the cannabutter
Basic Cannabutter Recipe
- Decarb your cannabis – this step is essential. If you missed our previous guide on how to
decarb weed (or CBD flower), click here. - Grind – Once you have your
decarbed cannabis, use a hand-grinder to grind your cannabis finely. - Melt your butter (or coconut oil if you don’t eat dairy) – For this step, we’ll add 230ml of water and 230ml of butter into a saucepan. Simmer on a low temperature and let the butter melt. Adding water is important as this helps regulate the temperature and prevent the butter from scorching.
- Add the cannabis – Once the butter has melted, add in your finely ground
decarbed cannabis. - Simmer – Maintain on
a low heat (ideally this should be over 70°C but it should never exceed 95°C). Leave the mixture to simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Make sure the mixture never comes to a full boil. - Strain the cannabutter – Once the 2-3 hours are up, set the cannabutter aside and let it cool off. Then, set a funnel on top of a jar and line it with cheesecloth. Pour the cannabutter over the cheesecloth funnel. Refrigerate or freeze the jar of butter. If refrigerated, it will keep for several weeks. If frozen, it should keep for around 6 months.
Getting the dosage right
Cannabutter potency is notoriously difficult to measure.
Your butter’s strength will depend on numerous factors, such as how long it was cooked for, the temperature it was cooked at, and even how long it was
To test the potency of your butter, apply ¼ of a teaspoon to a snack and see how that affects you after an hour. Decrease or increase the dosage as required.
You should now have established a baseline dosage from which you can add to your recipes.
Remember: If you’ve taken too much – don’t worry! Just lay down, have
What to expect from cannabutter
Consuming cannabis orally is completely different from smoking it.
Firstly, it can take up to 90 minutes to feel the effects, so be patient.
The effects of edibles are also a lot stronger and last longer than smoking, so don’t try it if you have obligations later!
Many complain that edibles make them too sleepy – you can try and combat this by experimenting with smaller doses or high CBD strains.
Now you know how to make cannabutter, you can start experimenting with recipes. You can add cannabutter to just about anything – brownies, flapjacks, lattes, pasta. Your options are limitless.
Just make sure you test the strength first!
Thanks Josh.
Can I sprinkle decarbed weed into aunt Bessie brownie mix without having to bother making butter?