CBD Protects Brain From Stroke, THC May Increase Risk, Finds New Studies

A recent study has shown that CBD may have a neuroprotective effect in stroke patients, suggesting cannabinoids could actually reduce the detrimental effects that come with suffering from a stroke. 

The main highlight of the study was that cannabidiol (CBD) reduces infarction in animal models of cerebral ischemia.  

This means that the death of tissue caused by strokes, as a result of the blood vessels being obstructed, can be significantly reduced with the help of CBD. It may also prevent further damage.

The research also suggested that CBD restricted malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, one of the main causes of stress on the brain when suffering from a stroke.  


A stroke is when blood supply to part of your brain is cut off due narrowed or blocked arteries. It’s a very serious condition that can lead to life changing disabilities and death. 

According to the National Institute of Health Care and Excellence, there are around 100,000 strokes every single year in the UK.  

Furthermore, 1.3 million people have to live with the effects of a stroke, and strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the US. 

THC and strokes 

While CBD seemingly helps treat the effects of a stroke, a different story could be told about long-term consumers of THC. 

Another recent study by the American Stroke Association investigated the effects that THC could have on strokes, finding that it could potentially increase the risk of a certain type of stroke.  

When investigators studied the results of patients who did not test positive for THC against those who did test positive, they found that the people who consume cannabis were 2.7 times more likely to develop cerebral ischemia.  

But when studying the results, those who tested positive for THC did not have any higher blood pressure, larger aneurysms, more detrimental stroke symptoms, or more  cardiovascular risks compared to those who tested negative for THC. 

An aSAH (or an aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage) happens when a blood vessel bursts on the surface of the brain. 

The most common long-term effects of an aSAH are slurred speech, neurological disabilities, or in some cases even death. And it’s also estimated that around 8 people out of 100,000 suffer from aSAH each year. 

Further studies are required by investigators to really grasp the effects THC has on the brain and aneurysm formation. 

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